Safe Roads

UPDATE – A bicycle / pedestrian lane was installed during the summer of 2020.  The lane extends from Dunham Road, near the Town Highway Department, up Sunderland Hill Road past the Town Office Building to the top of the hill.  The lane provides increased safety for walkers and riders while travelling this steep, winding section of road.  Grant funding covered approximately half of the costs to install this safety enhancement.  Thanks to the Safe Roads Committee and all who were instrumental in achieving this needed improvement!

GNAT interviewed the Safe Roads Committee and discussed the proposal they brought to voters.  View the video here:  Safe Road Committee Interview

The Sunderland Safe Roads Final Report has been issued and split into two documents due to its large size.  If you have a slow connection it may take some time to download.
Sunderland Safe Roads Scoping Study Report – 14MB in size
Sunderland Safe Roads Scoping Study Appendices – 10MB in size

Sunderland Safe Roads Committee presented the Draft Final Report on Tuesday January 19th, 2016 at 7PM at the Sunderland Town Hall. The Town of Sunderland held a public meeting to present and discuss the draft final scoping report that evaluates possible alternatives for pedestrian and bicycle improvements along Sunderland Hill Road and Hill Farm Road.  The meeting minutes can be found here:  Public Informational Meeting – Minutes 012116.  The study considered the need for improvements that would enhance safety for pedestrians and cyclists traveling in the project area.  We invited property owners and other interested parties to attend the meeting to hear about the study findings and the alternative(s) that were being recommended in the draft final report.  After the presentation, attendees had an opportunity to provide input on the project and the alternative concepts.  The flyer can be seen here: Final Report Presentation Flyer

The Town of Sunderland held a second public meeting for the Bicycle and Pedestrian Scoping Study project to discuss possible alternatives for pedestrian and bicycle improvements along Sunderland Hill Road and Hill Farm Road.  The study considered the need for improvements that would enhance safety for pedestrians and cyclists traveling in the project area.  We invited property owners, all residents and other interested parties to attend a meeting on September 29, 2015 at 7:00PM at the Sunderland Town Hall where alternative concepts for the improvements were presented.  After the presentation, the attendees had an opportunity to provide input on the project and the alternative concepts.  View the full meeting flyer here: Alternatives

The kick off meeting for the scoping study took place on April 15th at 6:30PM at the Sunderland Town Hall.  The agenda for the meeting can be found here:  Safe Roads Kick Off Meeting

Sunderland Safe Roads Committee Volunteers
Marie Litowinsky, RN, North Rd, Chairperson
Colleen York, retired school social worker, Dunlap Rd, Secretary
Scott York, retired schoolteacher, Dunlap Rd
Matt Vernon, MD, Dunlap Rd
Scott Mason McGrath, teacher, Dunham Rd

The Sunderland Safe Roads committee was created to pursue making the roads of Sunderland a safer place for people to use.  There are many grants available to improve road safety for pedestrian activities such as walking and bike riding.  The committee was created to identify areas of safety concern on our roads that could take advantage of this grant money to improve the safety of our roads.  The committee is now working to educate town residents on the grant specifications and requirements and to get town residents input and approval to submit the grant application.

The current target area for improvement is Sunderland Hill Road from the school to the proposed town hall site with a safety concern of poor visibility and sharp turns.  Long term plans would be to improve from the Sunderland covered bridge to Hill farm Road to 7A.  The most cost effective road improvement for a rural road would be to widen the road and incorporate a shoulder and a grant study would determine the exact design and costs to create a shoulder on one or both sides.  At this point the town would only be applying for the feasibility study which takes into consideration right of ways, easements and environmental concerns.   The study also looks at all phases of the project including inflation adjusted construction estimates.

The committee submitted an article to be warned for Town Meeting on March 3, 2014.  The article requested an amount of $3000.00 which is the amount that the VTrans grant will not reimburse to have a study performed to determine the cost and impact of any changes to our roads to make them safer.  The grant provides 90% of the study cost and the town must pay the other 10%.  The $3000.00 requested is the maximum amount that the town is committed to spending at this step in the process.

This project would help with Vermont’s “Walk ability Campaign” to encourage residents to incorporate walking into a daily routine and give school kids an opportunity to walk or bike safely to school with road improvements. This campaign targets Bennington county to improve public well being by providing safe roads for physical activity.

The full presentation can be found here:  Sunderland Safe Roads Presentation