
Town Wide Reappraisal

The Town of Sunderland has hired New England Municipal Resource Center (NEMRC) to perform a town wide reassessment.  NEMRC will be making property inspections starting this fall.  The project will be complete for April 1st, 2026 assessments.  Since the last reappraisal market values have dramatically increased causing a state required reappraisal.  Some properties have changed in land size, building size, building costs, added or taken away outbuildings, improvements, additional age, sold at higher than assessed value, etc.  With these changes comes inequity in the data used for assessing properties.  The State of Vermont has ordered the Town to complete a reappraisal to bring assessments to Fair Market Value as of April 1, 2026.

A postcard will be sent prior to making inspection visits.  The card will state that over the next few weeks the inspector will be around.  NO LOOSE DOGS PLEASE.  If an owner wishes to make an appointment, that can be arranged by calling the phone number provided.  The inspector will ask about doing an interior inspection, but will perform, at a minimum, an exterior inspection verifying data and taking new photographs.  The inspector will leave a card showing the date the property was inspected, contact information for an interior inspection if desired, and a code to view information on NEMRC’s Online Property Data Verification (OPDV) website.  Owners can log onto the OPDV website, view their information and the main dwelling.  It does not show outbuildings.  There is a place to leave comments or ask questions.  It does not show values.  New assessments are mailed out at the end of the process.

Thank you for your cooperation.