Safe Roads Agenda

Sunderland Safe Roads Committee – Public Meeting
Thursday November 10th, 2016 At 7:00 PM
Sunderland Town Hall


The Town of Sunderland’s Safe Roads Committee will hold an informational public meeting  to discuss the committee’s proposal for a 2017 VTrans Grant submission that addresses new VT Law Act 158 and a targeted safety concerns on Sunderland Hill Road. We invite all town residents and other interested parties to attend the meeting to learn about the Grant Proposal, Act 158 and how it will impact how we drive, walk and bike safely on our rural roads.  After the presentation, attendees will have an opportunity to provide input and feedback.


  1. Introductions
  2. Review of 2016 VT Law Act 158
  3. Review 2015 VTrans Grant Scoping Studies Alternatives/Options
  4. 2017 VTrans Grant Proposal
  5. Open discussion